Five Things that Couples Do Wrong

By Unload It Therapy

I have seen my fair share of couples as a marriage and family therapist. Couples usually seek out therapy when things are beyond what they feel they can handle, and they will seek help from an outside source, such as a therapist or clergy member. Since I have worked with couples for almost a decade, I have gained a lot of experience in some of the common reasons relationships go awry.

1 . Do not communicate honestly

For some reason, when we get into relationships, the level of communication decreases. Chances are, the individuals in the relationship have suffered from communication challenges and have brought them into the relationship. Couples must be honest about what they need and what they are looking to make a successful connection happen.

2. No longer date

Relationships are just that, relationships! They are not to get neglected after the couple is official or the ink on the marriage is dry. However, life happens, and we all get that. And with responsibilities and kids, etc., it can hard to maintain the same cadence as when you first met. There needs to be an effort made to keep the romance going and continue investing in your partner and the relationship. As we are blessed to continue to go through life, we grow and evolve. We learn new things about ourselves and the world and must share that with our partners. Even if you can make dinner time intentionally, once a week, where you talk, connect, etc., your relationship will be better.

3. Seek to be right rather than to understand

I heard somewhere recently something like ‘show me a man who is always right, and I’ll show you someone single. Relationships are no place always to need to be right or have the last word. This is where you want to come to be heard and to listen as well. Chances are, you are not combatting with your friends 24/7, so the same should be valid for your spouse. Mutual respect is needed, and it is vital to be able to stand your ground at times. To be firm but not rigid in one’s stance on issues as they arise.

4. Not maintain self and relationship with self

This is what a lot of people mean when they say they ‘lost themselves’. To blend yourself with another can be a beautiful experience. However, after time goes on and you recognize that you are no longer the person you were before, resentments can begin. It is important to remember who you are in all relationships and continue figuring out more about yourself. Develop new interests separate from your partner, keep up with your friends and family members. Watch your favorite shows, and continue your favorite activities. Your relationship will be better for it, as it can also keep the “sparks” going.

5. Not invest in the Relationship

Anything that is not cultivated will die. So, think of your relationship as a plant. Your plant will stay alive with water, proper sunshine, and nutrients. This is the same for your relationships. Don’t stop getting to know one another just because you’ve been in a relationship or married for an extended period. Talk! Spend time addressing your interests with one another. Having challenges? Invest in couples counseling to get a new way of dealing with one another. Counseling can also be great for improving skills like communication and intimacy.

Your relationship is worth the effort! You all can start to make progress. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth it. Contact us today to start couples therapy or marriage counseling with our Houston-based therapists

About the Author 

Roma Williams is a licensed marriage and family therapist and supervisor (LMFT-S) and the founder of Unload It Therapy in Houston, Texas. She has over a decade of experience in the mental health field, with a history of providing counseling services to individuals, couples, families, and groups. Roma brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. Her warm and empathetic approach to therapy has transformed the lives of countless clients who have sought her guidance. Roma is now also committed to helping to usher in the next generation of compassionate, responsible therapists through the weekly supervision she provides to the therapists of Unload It Therapy.


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