Anchoring Your Journey: How Therapy Nurtures Healing Through Each Stage of Grief

By Roma Williams, LMFT-S

In this post we will delve into something that’s often whispered about, sometimes questioned, and, for many, a source of solace: the role of grief counseling in navigating the tumultuous stages of grief. As we’ve shared before, grief isn’t a neatly charted course. It’s a personal journey through uncharted waters. So, how does therapy facilitate this journey? Let’s embark on this voyage together.

Denial: Unveiling Reality

In the denial phase, the world loses its color, and life seems meaningless — a state of shock where you’re looking reality in the eye and saying, “I can’t handle you right now.” Here in Houston, TX, our grief counseling sessions provide a compassionate space where you can peel back the layers of denial at your own pace. It’s a sanctuary where reality can be acknowledged in small, digestible pieces, softening the harshness of the truth.

Anger: Embracing the Fire

Anger can feel like a wildfire, untamed and consuming. It’s also a profound expression of pain. In therapy, we don’t extinguish this fire; we sit with it, acknowledge its heat, and understand its source. We help you channel this overwhelming force into a passion for healing, a transformative flame that marks a path forward through the grief.

Bargaining: Navigating the Maze

This stage is a maze of “if onlys” and “what ifs,” where you try to negotiate your way out of the pain. It’s a normal reaction, a desperate longing for a roadmap back to life before the loss. In our grief counseling sessions here in Houston, we gently guide you through this confusing maze, offering support as you come to terms with the fact that not all paths lead back to the past. Some lead forward, into acceptance.

Man in Despair | Grief therapy in Houston Tx | Unload It Therapy

Depression: Illuminating the Shadow

When the grief journey plunges into depression, it feels all-encompassing. In therapy, we sit with you in this profound sadness, no rush, no judgment. We illuminate the shadows with empathy, understanding that this darkness is not a sign of brokenness but a natural part of processing a monumental loss. It’s okay not to be okay here.

Acceptance: Cultivating New Growth

Finally, we arrive at acceptance — not an endpoint, but a place of understanding that there’s no turning back the clock. In the safe haven of our therapy sessions, we nurture your resilience, helping you cultivate new growth from the soil of loss. Acceptance isn’t a triumphant finale; it’s a gentle embrace of the present and a courageous step into the future.


At Unload it Therapy, we cherish the opportunity to be part of your unique journey, providing a steadying hand through the storm of loss. Every stage of grief is a step toward healing, and in these sessions, you don’t just survive; you learn to live again. We’re here in Houston, TX, offering our unwavering support and understanding that while the journey through grief is deeply personal, you don’t have to walk it alone. Contact us to continue or jump start your healing journey.

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